10 points for a GREEN Düsseldorf بالعربية Čeština Auf Deutsch En français στα ελληνικά In English In italiano Bi Kurdî на македонскиIn het Nederlands Po polsku Em português Română По-русски En español Türkçe’si Tamazight På svenska Urban energy revolution until 2025: with solar collectors on all suitable urban roofs and 100 % green electricity for all municipal facilities! A more mobile society: In 2030 we will cover 80 % of the routes on foot, by bicycle, by bus or by train. 25% by bicycle already in 2025! 10 green lifelines: car-free streets in all city districts – spaces for a better quality of life! Housing for everybody: active purchase of properties by the city – for usage and development oriented to the common good! More green, more water, less asphalt: new green spaces, green facades und roofs – for comprehensive species protection through “climate oases”! More attractive public transport: Half of the price and higher frequency – also at night and during the weekend! Participation of children and teenagers: Boards for children and teenagers to be better involved! Right to speak in the city council for the Düsseldorf Youth Council! Fight against racism: With a new anti-discrimination office that advises people and investigates everyday racism! Support of people without housing: More emergency dormitories and more residences! Supporting culture: Further investments in cultural buildings and more financial support for artists and people engaged in the cultural sector!